School during Icky Sicky Bad Bad Disease (Covid)
I like this because I get to stay inside my room the whole time and I don’t have to deal with other things outside. I finish my work a lot faster because I can do it in my room that I hate leaving and I can play games in the same place as work. It makes me feel much more relaxed.
I also don’t like it because I can’t see my friends and my internet’s kinda sucky sometimes and I can hear important info.
Bottom line is I like it but not a lot.
School will be kind of weird, and different this year. Not going to school is honestly sad, I know most of us liked to be at school. I personally liked going to school because I almost never leave my house, and don’t usually go out to see friends often. But distance learning may be nice, at least I get to see everyone. In conclusion I enjoy school for many reasons.
Distance Learning During the Current Crisis
Distance Learning is bad for students; this is pretty clear to me. It’s clunky, boring, and a much easier environment to get distracted in. But it’s good for students, because it protects them, and more importantly their families, from COVID-19. COVID is not very lethal to school aged children, or really any children, as long as they don’t have pre-existing health conditions. The same is true for their parents, who are likely to be Millennials or Generation X from their early 30’s to mid 40’s. But just because it’s unlikely to kill most students doesn’t mean they won’t get it, and spread it in it’s fortnight of incubation, giving it to the unhealthy and the elderly, who will die from it. This is all basic information.
Hello, today I’m going to be providing information about what individual perspective is, and how it can be used through the online community know as blogging. Individual perspective is you giving just your thoughts on something as an opinion on something, whether you like, dislike, agree, disagree, on something, you are giving your individual perspective. As well as with the help of blogging you are able to more quickly spread your perspective across the blogging community. The people who are apart of the blogging community
-Logan V.
Individual Perspective
Individual perspective can be a very broad subject. To me, my perspective, or opinion, isn’t important because I’m only one person to the world of 7 billion people. I don’t believe in God or any other religion, but my family is either Christian or catholic. They think very differently from me, but my family will never understand why I think like that. to be honest, I have always thought that the bible could have been a fiction book someone had written a long time ago, but I would have never told that to my family. To them believing in god is really important. To me, surviving life is more important. People’s perspectives about religion, politics, sexuality, gender, and etc. are very different with each person.
Peppa….. What Are You Doing In My Perspective Post
Perspective is something that people don’t often consider when seeing what others do or say. People will never completely see things the same until they are given the same experience. Do you support gay people? Do you believe in God? Would you rather be liked or feared? Do you believe Pitbulls are too mean to own? Do you support war? Are you racist? These kinds of questions can bring up huge arguments because people don’t think about why others think or feel the way they do. That’s why open-minded people are my favorite. They are open to others and unprejudiced. We all need an open-minded person in our life. If we share our perspectives then we can learn to accept more things and see new, I don’t know, world I guess. Then we can just enjoy a nice cup of tea without somebody ruining the family reunion with politics. I mean healthy argument would be a regular thing if people considered perspective and shared as well just saying. uwu rawr xd and I oop- and I oop. peace
Peoples’ Perspective
Individual perspective is the way other people see the world, everyone has a different perspective on things. This can be for many reasons, such as having a different gender, nationality, or background. Peoples’ perspectives are very important because if people don’t respect each others’ opinions, then it will lead to arguments. If we try to put ourselves in other peoples’ shoes, however, it will bring people closer together.
Personal Perspective
Sharing personal perspective with each other can help us understand other peoples perspective. Sharing each other perspective is important it ( Peppa has joined the blog) can help us see the world from someone else point of view. Talking about each other’s perspective can tell us how others see things (Peppa get out of my blog!!) and it can show us different views to different things. Listening to each other can help us understand other people’s experiences and memories.
Personal Perspective
Personal perspective, it shapes our world and writes the history books. this little thing could help us or destroy us and so it is important that we understand it.
Everyone has their opinions but have you ever stopped to understand someone else’s view of the world. Sometimes you will still not agree with that view. that’s ok! Everyone is different. In fact, you shouldn’t agree with everyone. This doesn’t mean you can’t put in the effort to understand them. I’m not saying that you should conform to everything someone thinks or says. You just have to remember that most of the time that something annoys or angers you, it has more to do with something in you, then in the person you think is causing it.
Understanding Personal perspectives, including your own, is vital to the survival of not only our species but our morals and the drive to do what’s right. So next time you don’t agree with someone’s words or opinions try to understand where they might be coming from. Maybe it will shed light on something that you never thought about.
-Malina T